HOW LISTENING TO JAZZ MAKES ME A BETTER VIDEO EDITOR As a video producer and video editor colleagues and students sometimes ask me for advice on how to become better editors or, put another way, how to improve their edting skills. Before replying, I usually remind them that a video editor (or for that matter a film editor) can be likened to being a composer of music or a writer. Instead or notes or words our raw material is images--disparate shots of people, places, events, actions--essentially anything or anyone that can be filmed or videotaped. Our job is to arrange these disparate images into a cohesive narrative (if you're doing a documentary, informational, or narrative piece) or (if you're doing a montage--thematic piece) to put these images into an order that evokes in your audince the feelings or ideas that you're trying to get across to them. Having said this, for me one of the most important areas of video/film editing is pacing (or tempo). We all know that we are...